Social Distancing | Day 8 | Ali Balas

SOCIAL DISTANCING - Day 8 - Thoughts from my basement…

It’s been an eventful few days since I last wrote. 



Nothing really has happened. Let me tell you all about it!!

Well first and foremost, I showered. Killing it. It felt so nice. I even straightened my hair and put my fancy, new, brother contacts in. That’s right. I wear the same contacts as my brother. We have the same prescription but in opposite eyes! It works. It’s tight. Know what else is tight? My jeans!!! I put real life clothes on for the first time since last week and as it turns out, spending a week in pyjamas doing nothing but eating, makes one’s jeans tight. And not in the cool “F*ck, that is tiiiiiight” sort of way. Actually tight. I’m ok with that though, wanna know why?!? Because they’re just clothes and we are all stuck inside doing what we want with the time that’s been given to us. So sue me- I like eating and watching tv in my pyjamas.

Speaking of watching tv in pyjamas, I have started watching “Game Of Thrones” again from the beginning. Whooooaaaaa...I don’t know about everyone else, but I’ve only ever watched “Thrones” as it came out, so watching it again with the knowledge I have now. Woof. #ripladythedirewolf #ripboromir #ripjaimelannistershand

But honestly, I’ve always been the kind of person who is very content being at home. That being said, to quote Andrea, “The thing is….” (hahaha) it still is super sh*tty not knowing when any of us will all be able to see each other again. In that vein, I’m sending a hug to Scotty McNutt on his b-day, and a neck nuzzle to Lola Rudd on hers! I KNOW you’d both absolutely love receiving those physical gifts from me. I will wait to give them to you. 

Love and miss you all! 
Let’s wash up and wait it out!


ALI BALAS is the captain of our baseball team RIVER CITY REJECTS! She temporarily isn’t an Employee (Jack of all Trades) at River City Revival House.(click) to hear her sing at Revival!

ALI BALAS is the captain of our baseball team RIVER CITY REJECTS! She temporarily isn’t an Employee (Jack of all Trades) at River City Revival House.

(click) to hear her sing at Revival!