EPISODE 30 | Neil Farnquist PART 2

HOMETOWN HUSTLE This podcast continues with the second of a few conversations with my dear friend, former bandmate and purveyor of tasty licks and riffs, Neil Farnquist.

EPISODE 30 - Neil and I pick our conversation up as our jamming and songwriting intensifies, leading to serendipitious meetings and partnerships as we cut our teeth in the arts & music scene, develop our stagecraft and form the band that would define the first part of the 2000s for us: No Ones Alone. We also talk about some of the sensational shows we played - most I remembered, some I had forgotten about. Iā€™m super proud of the work that we did back then and the artists we got to share the stage with ^_^

Looking back, there were so many people (bandmates and otherwise) who helped with our ascent (and supported the arts in GP) including, but not limited to: Vince Marple, Stacy Arbeau, Shaun McDonald, J.Sin Lanidrac, Justin Staffen, Brent Hessler, James Oldenburg, Byron (RIP) and Graham Johnson, Diana Rinne (Daily Herald Tribune), Sun FM (Rock 97 GP), Dave Sawchuk, Darren Brown, Scott Belford et al.

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