Artist of the Day | CHARLI





Los Angeles, CA, USA





Singer/ Composer/ Producer

With the current pandemic, the state of the music and touring industry has dramatically changed. Where were you when everything was brought to a halt? 

I was in Los Angeles and it was my second month landing in US.. Pretty scary but I decide to do a schedule every week and it helps me a lot.

How has that affected your plans for the coming year? Did you have a tour planned, upcoming album release?

I arrived 2 months earlier so that definitely affect my plans! I wanted to meet new people, do some shows, discover LA and because of covid none of this happened ! lol

What have you been doing to fill/make the most of your new-found free time at home? How are you supporting your mental health through all of this?

I work a lot on my music and my movie! I also did a lot of sport and painting that helps a lot for your mental health, trust me ! And sometimes I was taking a day off, laying on my bed with junk food, a glass of wine and a good movie.

As things are reopening & restrictions are lifting have you booked any new gigs? Tours? Etc? If your region is still under restriction, how are dealing with the Covid third wave?

I already done some new gigs, at " the Mint" and others places, i'm currently in France to see my family but as soon as i go back to LA i'll do some more gigs for sure!

Favourite Starlite Room Moment?

Being chosen as artist of the day. I am so so so happy and thankful!

Do you have a message for everyone at home reading this?

Have fun, do something different everyday, even a little things and try to be positive ! Give yourself a moment, to dance, sing, climb ,surf, to read or just to take care of yourself.

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